PACKAGE CONTENTS * lib directory containing the jfreechart and velocity libraries used by the analyzer tool. * doc directory containing all available documentation on the analyzer tool. * conf directory containing optional analyzer configs. * script that runs the Grinder Analyzer. PREREQUISITES * Jython 2.2.1 or later * Sun Java 1.5 or later The graphing tool is a command-line script written in Jython. Therefore, you must have a Jython (and Java) correctly installed on your system, and available in the default path. Installing and configuring Jython are not covered here; the jython web page is: If you are analyzing tests with very large numbers ( > 500 ) of transaction types, you may need to increase the amount of memory jython gets at startup. Edit your jython shell script or your jython.bat file, so that the java command has -Xms and -Xms arguments. On my system, it looks like this: "/usr/local/jdk1.5.0_16/jre/bin/java" -Xms256m -Xmx256m -Dpython.home="/usr/local/jython2.2.1_J15" -classpath "$CP" org.python.util.jython "$@" Use of Sun's JDK is required when running the precompiled Grinder Analyzer as there are known issues when running against IBM's JDK. INSTALLING Installing grinder analyzer is as simple as downloading the analyzer tar file and extracting it onto your files system. If you are on Linux, OS X, or some other Unix-like system, run this command: tar -zxpf grinderAnalyzer.<version>.tar.gz Then move the grinder analyzer directory wherever you like.