It is only possible to run Grinder Analyzer after a test is completed.
Real-time graph generation while a grinder run is in  progress is not

To run the analyzer tool from Windows, Linux or OS X:

 1. Open a command-line shell and cd into the grinderAnalyzer directory.
 2. Execute the script like this:
        jython ./ "<grinder data file(s)>" <grinder mapping file> [number of agents]

Quotes are only needed if you have multiple data files.  You cannot specify
multiple grinder out files.

More detail on the arguments:

  * The grinder data files are a set of one or more of the log files
    generated by the Agents.  If you are using just a single data file,
    the quotes are not needed.  These files typically have names like
  * The grinder mapping file is one two log files typically generated by
    the grinder agent when it runs.  It usually has a name like 
  * The mapping file and the data file(s) you specify MUST be from the same
    Grinder run.
  * Number of agents is an optional multiplier you can apply to the bandwidth
    and transactions per second graphs.  This is useful if you had many 
    agents running on several different machines and you are only running
    the analyzer on the log files generated by a single agent.  For this
    multiplier to give meaningful results, it is assumed that each agent is
    doing an identical workload.


The default configurations that ship with Grinder Analyzer have been
pre-tweaked to be reasonable for most use.  However, there are 
options to adjust settings for time groupings, graph size, 
graph granularity, etc., in conf/


All graphs and html are created in a directory named 'grinderReport'.  The
.png files may be viewed in the tool of your choice.  The html report
includes a summary table with sortable columns.

To store the analyzer results long-term, you will need to move or rename
the 'grinderReport' directory, since it is reset every time you run the